First of all, how are you guys doing? Obviously life has been turned upside down across the entire world since I last posted. I hope you and your families are safe and well and you’re hanging in, all things considered.
So much has been going on in my life over the last 6 months… I’ve kept everything up to date on Instagram of course (make sure you’re following me! I post cute pics like this one!) but for some reason just haven’t felt inspired to write. Grad school plus a pandemic plus additional major unexpected life changes were a little much to handle, so I prioritized where I had to.
For the first time in months, I’m finally feeling like I’m in a really good place with school and my career, and certain sacrifices and leaps of faith I’ve made are all coming together. I did lose the brand new iPhone 11 Pro I got a week ago in a lake yesterday, so definitely do not have it all together these days…
Anyway, just to fill you guys in with my life! Basically, back in March I left LA to go back home to Chicago for USC’s spring break. This was right before everything with COVID really started to get crazy. USC hadn’t even announced that classes would be virtual. At this point, we all kind of thought that we would go virtual for two weeks, and then life would be back to normal. I ended up cancelling my flight back to LA, and stayed on in Chicago at my boyfriend Alex’s place… Of course, shit with COVID hit the fan around the US, and I ended up quarantining with Alex at his place for the next several months. I finished up my two classes virtually, ending in early May. During this time I also got an internship at a CX and customer insights community headquartered in Toronto. The thought originally was that I would spend some time working in Toronto, but I’ve been virtual the entire time.
I’ve worked virtually from various locations this summer, which has been so nice! I was up at my cottage with my parents in Muskoka, Ontario for about three weeks and it was as peaceful and wonderful as always. Truly my favorite place in the world. I went to a wedding (outdoors and socially distanced) in Minnesota with Alex, which was super fun. I’m writing this from Big Bear, California; I’m with Alex, my sister, and her boyfriend and his family’s beautiful mountain house. And, earlier this week I worked from my house in LA, the first time I has been back since March. It was incredibly bittersweet, as we packed everything up; the mover’s came a couple days ago and now the house is officially empty. I originally planned on being in LA for two years, coming back to Chicago for the summer, but now that everything is virtual I am back in Chicago for now. My parents bought a house in Toronto and are moving back full time, so now my family home in the Chicago burbs is on the market and I need to find a place to live downtown asap lol. Definitely mixed feels about everything. I would have loved to have longer in California, but if I’ve learned anything this year it’s that you can only plan so much in life. I’m able to work and finish my master’s program virtually, and my boyfriend lives in Chicago, so that’s where I’m choosing to be now. LA isn’t going anywhere, and I still would love to move back more longterm.
I have a few other exciting work updates but I can’t share for another couple weeks
My other exciting news is that Alex and I are heading to Montana on Monday! We originally were going to go to the South of France, but hey, St. Tropez, Montana… what’s the difference, really. No but I’m honestly super excited and we’ve planned an amazing itinerary. We are glamping by Yellowstone the first few days, going to do a day trip probably in Missoula, maybe check out a ghost town, and make our way up to Glacier National Park for hiking and more adventures. Terrible timing to lose my phone, but I’ll probably be without service a lot of the time and can just use Alex’s phone to take pictures. So stay tuned for lots of fun content!
That’s all I got for now! Excited to get back in the swing of blogging, I missed it here! OH one last thing, I also have gotten really into TikTok and have been devoting a ton of time creating content there. My videos are all about how to become an influencer, the apps I use, how I work with brands, etc, so definitely check it out if you’re interested.
Adding in a few pics from life lately xo Meg