October’s Intention Recap: Discipline in Intention of the Month, Life on 11/15/18 Hey fam! Apologies for being a little MIA in blogging land. I’ve also been kind of quiet on Insta because truth be told, I’m strait up out of content… Fortunately, I got an upcoming trip to San Diego and LA on Saturday which should do the trick! As I mentioned in October’s Intention post (this month I focused on intentionally seeking and acting out of discipline), I was studying for the GRE and stress and anxiety were at an alllllll time high. Especially because I hadn’t gotten into a solid studying regime and the exam was coming up fast and furious… I’m happy to report that I took my GRE last Friday and scored higher than I ever had! The exam was over 4 hours, starting with an hour long essay portion, and as soon as I entered in my last question and clicked done, I literally had this out of body experience. The next 15 min just felt surreal, knowing it was over, and especially once I saw my score and couldn’t believe what I was seeing. Studying for this exam is one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. I was working a full time job, blogging full time, and studying essentially every free second I had. I would wake up early and study before work, and as soon as I logged off my computer and ate dinner, I would get right back to it. I sacrificed social events to take practice exams on Saturday nights, and let this beast become the front and center of my life. At the beginning of October, I was starting to panic. I was in my prep class, but I knew I was being a little shit about studying. I knew some changes would need to be made if I wanted to do well on this thing, that it was going to suck, I would be unhappy, but it was for such a greater good. I realized that for me to be truly disciplined, I would need to reprioritize and manage my time and expectations. I cut back with my blog and my social life in order to give more time to studying. I got into a good routine, tracked along with my practice exams, and ultimately kicked GRE ass. Another goal of mine was to be disciplined with my self care this month. I was semi successful at this. I am not totally back to the regular workout schedule I had before me and Fran’s breakup… I was typically a 4-5 workouts a week kinda girl, and I’m maybe doing 2 right now. Which is better than the 0 I was doing a couple months ago, so baby steps. I’ve still been journaling a ton, I’ve been meditating, getting acupuncture, doing floats, and treating myself to massages and facials, all of which has made me feel very happy and relaxed. I will say, definitely way easier to be disciplined with that than with physical activity. Lol. That said, I will definitely be working hard this month and next to get back in the swing of working out, and will enjoy knowing my discipline can be applied to things other than studying 🙂